

Saxony-Anhalt  >  Germany

Wetlands in a swampy agricultural landscape with reedbeds and scrub, adjacent to the small village of Frose.

Añadido* por Lukas Pelikan
Última actualización 27 septiembre 2020


Historically, the area used to be a very large lake, ranging over 12 km from Aschersleben to Gatersleben. After draining in the 18th century it stayed to be wetlands, called "Seeländereien", and was used for peat-cutting. Agricultural use of the area was of little avail as the place remained too wet. The area is also used for open-pit brown coal mining and the subsequent flooding of the holes also supported waterlogging of the area. The forested waste dump of the coal mining can be seen to the west of the wetlands.

Nowadays it is a swampy wetland with reedbeds, shallow water and dead trees. It is a great place to see many reedbed species, ducks and waders and has new excellent birdwatching hides. The road and the surrounding fields may be flooded, too, especially in spring; so make sure to check the surrounding fields for waders.

The wetlands has many territories of Buscarla Unicolor and is a stronghold for Avetoro Común and Ruiseñor Pechiazul in Saxony-Anhalt. Carricero Tordal, Buscarla Pintoja and Bigotudo are also common. Aguilucho Lagunero Occidental and Tórtola Europea breed here and Abejaruco Europeo visit the place for hunting insects. A Cormorán Pigmeo visited the place for a very long time on a regular basis.

Spring is a good time for waders and ducks. Avefría Europea and Andarríos Bastardo are the most common waders; rarities included Archibebe Fino, Correlimos Pectoral and Cigüeñuela común. The most common rail is Rascón Europeo, but Polluela Bastarda and Polluela Pintoja have also been recorded.

In winter it is still possible to see Bigotudo, Escribano Palustre and Grulla Común. Other regular sights are Alcaudón Norteño and Bisbita Alpino.

As the place has very shallow water it might dry up temporarily. Ducks and waders will then leave the place but other bird species are still there to watch. On the other hand it can easily be flooded, especially in spring, when the roads are slippery and sinkholes may appear.



It is easy to get there by train. From, e.g. Halle (Saale), Magdeburg or Goslar, take the train to Frose. From the train station it is 1,5 km to the wetlands; you can either cycle or walk (20 minutes). If you arrive by car, please use the car park (max. 3 cars) next to the road; see P on the map or click on it to get directions.

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