
Erholungspark Lößnig-Dölitz

Sachsen  >  Germany

This is a recreational park located in the southern part of Leipzig.

Añadido* por just-birding
Última actualización 8 octubre 2024


Erholungspark Lößnig-Dölitz is a serene urban park that offers a range of birdwatching opportunities amidst its varied landscapes. Originally developed as a recreational area, the park features wide expanses of grassy meadows, small wooded areas, and several ponds and waterways, making it an ideal location for a mix of bird species throughout the year.

In the park you can find bird species such as Ánsar común , Cisne Vulgar , Cormorán Grande , Somormujo Lavanco , Focha Común , Garza Real , Ánade azulón , Gaviota Reidora , Ruiseñor Común , Zorzal Común , Pito Real , Reyezuelo Sencillo and many more.



Erholungspark Lößnig-Dölitz is located in the southern part of Leipzig. Depending on your point of entry, there are plenty possibilities to park your car. Press a P on the map for directions to a parking spot. If your coming by public transport, you can exit at "Leipzig, Moritz Hof" (Trams: 10, 16, 38, 39, 51, N10; Buses: 79, E1, N9). The park itself can be entered on foot or by bike.

Terreno y habitat

Árboles y arbustos dispersos , Pradera , Lago , Estanque , Parque



Camino circular

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Camino ancho

Camino difícil de andar


Accesible vía

A pie , Bicicleta , Silla de ruedas

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