
Vuosaari Golf Pond

Uusimaa  >  Finland

Small artificial pond next to a golf course.

Añadido* por Johanna Jouppila
Última actualización 16 diciembre 2021
Este birdingplace aún no ha sido calificado. Sea el primero en calificar con 1 a 5 estrellas


If you are in the area, this pond is a good spot to check as it can surprise birders positively. In spring/early summer it's possible to hear the calls of a Gallineta Común that hides among the reeds. It's also common to see Ánade azulón looking for food from the pond and if you're lucky, Ánade friso can also be spotted during migration season. During summer time the golf field also attracts Gaviota Cana, Gaviota Reidora and Lavandera Blanca.



The pond is right next to the road and on the opposite side of the road is a sport park that has parking places. It is also possible to walk and cycle there.

Terreno y habitat

Ciudad/Pueblo , Llanura


Plano , Paisaje abierto

Camino circular


¿Se necesita telescopio?


Buena época para el avistamiento de aves

Primavera , Verano , Otoño

Mejor momento para visitar

Migración de otoño , Verano , Otoño , Primavera , Migración de primavera


Camino ancho , Camino sin asfaltar

Camino difícil de andar


Accesible vía

A pie , Bicicleta , Coche

Escondite de observación / plataforma


Información extra

As the pond is located so close to the golf field, it's good to walk around with caution to not be hit by golf balls.

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