
Sønder Lem Vig

Jylland  >  Denmark

Large wetland area covering around 1000 ha with beach meadows, reedbeds and shallow bays.

Añadido* por Anni Oppelstrup Blohm
Última actualización 28 junio 2022


Sønder Lem Vig is originally an inlet, it is cut off from the Limfjord by an embankment that was build in 1876-77. Plans for draining the area were, however, never realized. A 200 m long canal connects the fjord with Sønder Lem Vig. In 1960 a pump house was built at the end of the canal to keep the water level in the inlet constant. The inlet itself, i.e. the open water, covers around 350 ha but reedbeds cover more than 150 ha, being especially dense on the southern and eastern banks. North and east of the inlet there are meadows and a little further north a few small woods with deciduous and coniferous trees.

The area is a breeding ground for ducks, waders and reedbed birds. For example Cerceta Carretona, Cuchara Común, Zampullín Común, Avoceta Común, Ostrero Euroasiático, Avefría Europea, Agachadiza común, Archibebe Común, Chorlitejo Chico and Chorlitejo Grande. The reedbeds support Avetoro Común, Rascón Europeo, Polluela Pintoja, Bigotudo, Ruiseñor Pechiazul and several pairs of Aguilucho Lagunero Occidental. In the winter months small flocks of Cisne Cantor and Ánsar careto can be seen, together with Serreta Grande, Serreta Chica and Porrón Bastardo and if you are lucky Búho Campestre.



A car park at the pump station at Hostrupvej gives access to Sønder Lem Vig. From here there is a view over the water, especially if one follows the canal out to the inlet itself. An observation tower at the eastern end of Sønder Lem Vig gives a view over the reedbeds and the eastern section of the inlet. A good place in spring when bird migration has started and the breeding birds have become active. There is a good chance of spotting Bigotudo, Aguilucho Lagunero Occidental and Cerceta Carretona. Avetoro Común is often heard in spring. The tower can be reached from Sønderlemvej, which runs parallel with the northern side of Sønder Lem Vig. From Sønderlemvej one can turn south onto a road signed “Vigen” to Bustrup Plantage, where one can leave the car and walk along the path through the wood to the observation tower at the end. There is another bird observation tower on the southern bank of Sønder Lem Vig. The tower can be accessed from Vester Egebjergvej which runs south of Sønder Lem Vig. One can park at the side of the road at the farmhouse about 1 km north of the village of Egebjerg. From here there is a walk of around 1 km out to the tower. Click on a P in the map to get directions to the parking of your choice.

Terreno y habitat

Bosque , Humedal , Lago , Cañizos


Paisaje abierto

Camino circular


¿Se necesita telescopio?

Puede ser útil

Buena época para el avistamiento de aves

Todo el año

Mejor momento para visitar

Primavera , Migración de otoño , Migración de primavera


Camino ancho , Camino estrecho

Camino difícil de andar


Accesible vía

A pie

Escondite de observación / plataforma

Información extra

You can easily combine a visit to this area with a visit to the adjacent nature reserve of Geddal Enge, which is also described on Birdingplaces.

Ver birdingplaces en el área que se publican en Birdingplaces


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