
Jerup Strand

Jutland  >  Denmark

Good variety of habitats with beach and meadows that attracts all kinds of waders and ducks.

Añadido* por John Morecroft
Última actualización 11 diciembre 2020


Jerup Strand comprises a flat sandy beach with a single line of dunes, marshland and grazed meadows. It is situated on the shore of the Kattegat north of Frederikshavn. Several species of wader breed in the area, including Ostrero Euroasiático, Chorlitejo Grande, Archibebe Común and now and again Avoceta Común.

Jerup is a stopover site for several duck species, including Silbón Europeo and Cerceta Común. During migrating season other birds arrive, including Serreta Mediana, Tarro Blanco, Chorlito Dorado Europeo, Chorlito Gris, Correlimos Común, Avefría Europea, Correlimos Gordo, Zarapito Real and Correlimos Menudo. Now and again, flocks of Barnacla Carinegra and Barnacla Cariblanca and a few Ánsar piquicorto stage on the meadows. Ánsar común can be seen throughout the year.

In winter there are flocks of Correlimos Tridáctilo running along the sea’s edge, and one can be lucky enough to spot a Búho Campestre over the meadows. Busardo Calzado and Aguilucho pálido can also be seen flying over the meadows, together with flocks of Pardillo Piquigualdo and Escribano Nival. Small flocks of Alondra Cornuda and a few Escribano Lapón appear now and then. Halcón Peregrino is a regular visitor.



Follow route 40 connecting Frederikshavn with Skagen. About 13km north of Frederikshavn one reaches the village of Jerup. Just north of the village, turn east along Fredborgvej (there is a sign to Jerup Strand). At the beach is a car park, from where one can get onto the beach. Most birds can usually be seen at the southern end of the area. Note: the area is privately owned but it is possible to park and walk along the beach. Click on the P in the map to get directions.

Terreno y habitat

Playa , Pisos de barro , Pradera , Mar


Paisaje abierto

Camino circular


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Todo el año

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Migración de primavera , Migración de otoño


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A pie

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