
Hejlsminde Nor

Østjylland  >  Denmark

12 km long trail around the Hejlsminde Nor cove nature reserve with a wooden walkway through the reeds, a bird observation tower and a rich bird life.

Añadido* por leif keller
Última actualización 28 junio 2022


In Hejlsminde Nor you find open water, wet meadows, salt marshes and reed beds. You can observe large flocks of swans, geese, mergansers, grebes and ducks, which stay at the cove all year. Aguilucho Lagunero Occidental soar above the meadows and reeds, and the Pigargo Europeo shows up regularly. Other birds you can encounter are Tarro Blanco, Porrón Osculado, Serreta Mediana, Serreta Grande, Gavión Atlántico, Ostrero Euroasiático, Zarapito Real, Archibebe Común and Escribano Cerillo.



There are several parking places. Click on a P in the map to go to the parking of your choice. The trail around Hejlsminde Nor is 12 km long and consists of a mix of footpath and asphalt road. If you do not have the time or energy for all 12 km, the trail can be divided in to shorter trips. Most interesting for birders is the wooden walkway through the reeds. Close to the wooden walkway is also a two storey bird observation tower, where you a view across Hejls Nor. Both are marked on the map.

Terreno y habitat

Humedal , Lago , Pradera , Cañizos


Paisaje abierto , Pantanoso

Camino circular

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Camino pavimentado , Camino ancho

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A pie , Bicicleta

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