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Restored wetland with beach meadows that attract breeding reed birds and staging swans, geese, ducks and waders.
Geddal Enge was originally a wetland surrounded by a natural embankment. From the end of the 19th century and onwards various efforts were made to drain the area for cultivation, but the dikes were often broken through by the sea and plans had to be abandoned. In 1992 the area was taken over by the state and the beach meadows were restored. The water level is regulated by a sluice and the dikes prevent the meadows from being flooded during the breeding season.
The area is a breeding ground for ducks, waders and reedbed birds. For example Cerceta Carretona, Cuchara Común, Zampullín Común, Avoceta Común, Ostrero Euroasiático, Avefría Europea, Agachadiza común, Archibebe Común, Chorlitejo Chico and Chorlitejo Grande. The reedbeds support Avetoro Común, Rascón Europeo, Polluela Pintoja, Bigotudo, Ruiseñor Pechiazul and several pairs of Aguilucho Lagunero Occidental. In the winter months small flocks of Cisne Cantor and Ánsar careto can be seen, together with Serreta Grande, Serreta Chica and Porrón Bastardo and if you are lucky Búho Campestre.
The car park at Geddal Enge can be reached from route 189 between Holstebro and Balling. Several roads lead west into the area. One can for example turn left in the direction of Ejsing a few kilometres north of Vinderup. Geddalvej leads to Geddal Enge and the car park. Here there is an information board about the birdlife and some picnic tables. An observation tower at Geddal Enge can be reached by following a grass path to the right from the car park. A viewpoint from the coastal cliff from a platform offers a view over the south-westerly part of the beach meadows. This can be reached by following a path leading off to the left from the car park. The path is narrow and not suitable for disabled persons. From another car park on the eastern side you can explore the embankment along Hostrupvej. From here there is a view over the most north-easterly section of the meadows which cannot be seen from the observation tower. Click on a P in the map to get directions to the parking of your choice.
You can easily combine a visit to this area with a visit to the adjacent nature reserve of Sønder Lem Vig, which is also described on Birdingplaces.
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