
Bagsværd Sø

Københavnsområdet  >  Denmark

The bird life at Bagsværd Lake is varied and can be observed all year round. The lake is also used for rowing.

Añadido* por Frank Desting
Última actualización 3 enero 2021


Bagsværd Lake is part of the Mølleå system, which extends from the source close to Roskilde Fjord to the outlet at Øresund. Bagsværd Sø is the second largest lake in the system, with an area of ​​approx. 116 ha and the largest depth of 3.5 m. It has previously functioned as a mill pond. Today the lake is a popular excursion place where you can sail and fish. Since the 1930s, the lake has been used for rowing internationally. The nature in and around Bagsværd Lake is varied and interesting. Breeding birds, in recent years are Somormujo Lavanco, Garza Real (colony at Ellesumpen / Radiomarken), Cisne Vulgar, Ánsar común, Azor Común (at Frederiksdal Skov), Busardo ratonero, Cernícalo vulgar (at Radiomarken), Cárabo Común, Cuco Común, Pico Picapinos, Zorzal Real (colony at Aldershvile Castle Park), and many other songbirds, tits, Agateador Europeo , Cuervo Grande and Estornino Pinto and woodpeckers. In the summer Charrán Común and sometimes Charrán Patinegro and Pagaza Piquirroja are seen.

During spring and autumn a lot of migratory birds are seen over the lake. Cisne Cantor and Barnacla Cariblanca are seen regularly. Of birds of prey Abejero Europeo, Milano Real, Busardo Calzado, Pigargo Europeo, Águila Pescadora, Halcón Peregrino and Aguilucho pálido can be seen. In easterly winds, flocks of Grulla Común pass the lake. In the winter, you often see Porrón Osculado, Somormujo Lavanco and Cuervo Grande. Occasionally, flocks of Pardillo Norteño, Ampelis Europeo and Picogordo Común appear. There are good chances of seeing Martín Pescador Común. It can be observed in several places around the lake, but especially behind Aldershvile Nursery. Random guests such as Picamaderos Negro and Pico Menor have also been seen at Bagsværd Lake several times. A rarity as Carricero Tordal has also visited the lake, with up to two singing birds in the spring / summer respectively. years 2000 and 2011.



The nearest S-train station is Bagsværd Station. If you come by car, there are several parking options around the lake. It is possible to walk or bike all the way around the lake (7 km, see the route on the map below). Special nature areas include Aldershvile Castle Park, Radiomarken and Sophienholm.

Terreno y habitat



Paisaje abierto

Camino circular

¿Se necesita telescopio?

Puede ser útil

Buena época para el avistamiento de aves

Todo el año

Mejor momento para visitar

Migración de primavera , Migración de otoño , Primavera , Invierno , Otoño , Verano


Camino ancho

Camino difícil de andar

Caminata media

Accesible vía

A pie , Bicicleta , Silla de ruedas

Escondite de observación / plataforma



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