
Playa Pesquero

Holguìn  >  Cuba

Pond on Playa Pesquero. Despite its location on a busy beach, this area works like a magnet for birds.

Añadido* por Piet Grasmaijer
Última actualización 6 julio 2022


This pond is located on one of the most beautiful beaches in Cuba and is lined by trees and shrubs. Due to the attractive beach, a number of large resorts have been built here, making the area a tourist attraction. Despite the habitat loss, the pond remains a major attraction for birds. More than 130 species have been observed, partly resident and endemic birds and partly migratory birds. Because a walkway has been built over the pond, it is easy to spot many species, for example Clapper Rail, Killdeer and Reddish Egret.



From both the city of Rafael Freyre and Guadalavaca you follow the main road 421. At the Carretera a Pesquero you turn towards the coast. At the end of Carretera a Pesquero there is a car park on the right (see map). From here you follow the footpath between Hotel Playa Pesquero and Hotel Playa Costa Verde. At the end of this footpath, turn right. The pond is on the left.

Terreno y habitat

Humedal , Árboles y arbustos dispersos , Lago , Playa


Plano , Pantanoso

Camino circular

¿Se necesita telescopio?


Buena época para el avistamiento de aves

Todo el año

Mejor momento para visitar

Migración de primavera , Migración de otoño


Camino sin asfaltar , Camino pavimentado

Camino difícil de andar


Accesible vía

A pie

Escondite de observación / plataforma



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Top 5 aves

Cuban Vireo
3. Cuban Vireo
(Vireo gundlachii)
West Indian Whistling-Duck
4. West Indian Whistling-Duck
(Dendrocygna arborea)

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