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From the mouth of the river Mirna at Antenal to at least six kilometers upstream you can find diverse avifauna.
The lagoons of the Mirna River delta are vital to the migration, overwintering and nesting of many water birds. Interesting and surprising observations are always possible from the mouth of the river upstream. This can be easily done by bike, on foot or by car. You can explore the area for hours and continue upstream and then return to the starting point on good roads without any problems. All around other good observation possibilities. Very suitable for family holidays as there are large campsites in the immediate vicinity (e.g. in Lanterna). Among the birds you can encounter are Escribano Cabecinegro, Carraca Europea, Abejero Europeo, Culebrera Europea, Cistícola Buitrón, Zarcero Políglota, Codorniz Común, Zarapito Trinador, Morito Común, Martinete Común, Autillo Europeo, Garceta Común, Cetia Ruiseñor, Gorrión Italiano, Gorrión Moruno, Terrera Común, Abejaruco Europeo, Andarríos Chico, Charrán Común, Alcaudón Dorsirrojo, Collalba Gris, Golondrina Dáurica, Roquero Solitario, Cigüeña Negra, Curruca Cabecinegra, Curruca Carrasqueña, Aguilucho Cenizo, Escribano Triguero, Alcaudón Común, Garza Imperial, Gaviota Cabecinegra, Abubilla común, Escribano Soteño, Garcilla Bueyera and Mochuelo Europeo.
Car, bike, on foot. Best from Antenal, bridge. Click on the P in the map to get directions to the parking.
With 53 kilometres the river Mirna is Istria's longest river.
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