
Cetina River Mouth

Omis  >  Croatia

Mouth of the river Cetina in the town of Omiš. Good for relaxed birding along the beach and the harbour pier.

Añadido* por Wolfgang Müller
Última actualización 3 mayo 2024


The mouth of the Cetina river opens into the sea at Omiš. A beautiful setting with the rocks rising directly behind the city. Don't expect spectacular birds or many birds. But if you pass the town it is a nice place for a lunch stop and some relaxed birding around the river mouth. You can walk along both sides of the river mouth where on the eastern side a harbor pier extends a little further into the water. Among the birds you can observe are Gaviota Reidora, Gaviota Patiamarilla, Gaviota Cabecinegra, Lavandera Cascadeña, Lavandera Blanca, Jilguero Europeo, Verderón Común and Roquero Solitario. Sometimes Trepador Rupestre Occidental can be spotted on the rocks that rise up behind the town. Avión Roquero and Chova Piquigualda can be seen flying in front or above the rocks. In winter sometimes Treparriscos is observed on these rocks.



Omiš is located 20 km southeast of Split. There are many places to park. Click on a P in the map for directions. Good place for lunch as there are many restaurants. From the parking you can explore the area on foot.

Terreno y habitat

Montaña , Cañón/acantilado , Río , Mar , Playa , Ciudad/Pueblo


Plano , Rocoso

Camino circular


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Camino pavimentado , Camino sin asfaltar

Camino difícil de andar


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A pie

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