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The area mainly consists of wet meadows/marshes situated on the right bank of the river Dender. These attract waterbirds mainly during winter and spring.
Even the industrial/urban area in the north of this region harbours quite some good species in winter, like Silbón Europeo, Ánade friso, Porrón Moñudo and Porrón Europeo. They can be common near te sewage works, as do gulls Zampullín Común and Ánsar común.
In recent years Avetoro Común has become almost annual (often more then one) and some years Bigotudo turns up. There's a big breeding population of Carricero Común (>20 pairs) as do Cetia Ruiseñor and Escribano Palustre in small numbers. In some years even Ruiseñor Pechiazul breeds here.
The meadow areas further to the south, especially those along the railway hold most of the time waders in late winter and spring. Aguja Colinegra, Andarríos Bastardo, Andarríos Grande, Combatiente, Chorlitejo Chico (breeds some years), Correlimos Común, Agachadiza común, Agachadiza Chica and others are seen annual. In winter this area often holds Bisbita Alpino. In wet years species as Cerceta Carretona and Cuchara Común can be breeding here. Irregular breeders are Escribano Palustre, Cetia Ruiseñor and Tarabilla común.
The area more to the south can hold Martín Pescador Común, Lavandera Cascadeña, Tarabilla común and the same species mentioned earlier, but chances on these are more remote.
The area is accessible on foot and bike
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