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The mouth of the Sarno river is located in Rovigliano.
After 24 kilometers the Sarno river arrives in the Tyrrhenian Sea in front of the picturesque rock of Rovigliano in the Gulf of Naples. The mouth of the Sarno river is located in Rovigliano, on the border between Castellammare di Stabia and Torre Annunziata. You can watch gulls, terns, waders and other seabirds from this point. Among the birds that can be seen here are Αρτέμης, Μύχος (της Μεσογείου), Μαυροκέφαλος Γλάρος, Ασημόγλαρος της Μεσογείου, Καστανοκέφαλος Γλάρος, Νανόγλαρος, Γελογλάρονο and Χειμωνογλάρονο. But rarities like Μαυροκέφαλη Πάπια and Λευκόστιχτος Γλάρος have also been seen here.
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