
Winterton Dunes

Norfolk  >  United Kingdom

Winterton Dunes Nature reserve is the premier site for finding migrant birds on the east coast of Norfolk, and offers great sea-watching opportunites too.

Hinzugefügt* von Drew Lyness
Zuletzt aktualisiert 27 Dezember 2022


Winterton Dunes is an extensive coastal acidic heathland featuring a variety of scrubs and trees spread throughout. For birders, the site is a fantastic place to find rare and scarce migrant birds, as well as enjoy some of the spectacular wildlife of the east Norfolk coast. It can be hard work at times, but persistance pays off at this site. Throughout the year, you could find Schwarzkehlchen and Goldammer in the dunes, alongside the usual common garden birds. Raptors frequent the fields inland of the dunes system including Rohrweihe and Turmfalke.

In the winter, a sea-watch may reveal large numbers of Sterntaucher as well as Trauerente and flocks of passing Ringelgans. You may be lucky and encounter a Sumpfohreule or Kornweihe hunting the dunes. The large Grey Seal colony here attracts gulls, and alongside the expected Silbermöwe and Mantelmöwe groups, you may be lucky and find a Steppenmöwe or even Polarmöwe or Eismöwe! Expect to see waders like Steinwälzer and Sanderling on the beach. The rocky groynes may hold Meerstrandläufer also. Look out for Schneeammer on the beach too!

Spring passage can be hit a miss in east Norfolk, but you would normally expect to see a Hausrotschwanz and a few Steinschmätzer to get the season going (from March onwards). Following this will be Mönchsgrasmücke, Zilpzalp, Fitis, Fitis and more. In April onwards, there may be Ringdrossel, Trauerschnäpper and Gartenrotschwanz to be found. Following a good spell of easterly winds, you may be on for something rarer. Typcial spring scarcities (typcially May and June) might include Neuntöter, Sumpfrohrsänger, Blaukehlchen, Gelbspötter, Rosenstar and even Bienenfresser!

Summer still offers migration opportunites, as the waders continue to move throughout July and August. There is a colony of Zwergseeschwalbe on the beach some years, but view them from a respectable distance. It is not impossible to find a Trauerseeschwalbe or even a Rosenseeschwalbe in the colony if you scan the colony carefully.

Autumn passage can be excellent here, and in the early part of the season (August to September), you might be lucky and find the likes of Wendehals, Gelbspötter or Grünlaubsänger. A good passage of Trauerschnäpper is expected, along with smaller numbers of Gartenrotschwanz. As the autumn progresses (September to November), the opportunities to find Gelbbrauen-Laubsänger, Goldhähnchen-Laubsänger, Sperbergrasmücke, Zwergschnäpper and other seasonal delights increases, especially after easterly winds. Common migrants will also be flooding back in like Rotdrossel, Wintergoldhähnchen, Buchfink and Waldschnepfe.

Sea-watching here is best in northerly or easterly winds, and these can bring Basstölpel, Dreizehenmöwe and Trauerente closer in shore. An experienced sea-watcher may be able to find divers, grebes, auks and up to four species of Skua! Stormy conditions in late autumn can bring Thorshühnchen, Wellenläufer and large numbers of Zwergmöwe. You never know what you might see, so always worth bringing a scope.



Park in the beach car park at Winterton Village, and you can easily explore the dunes from here.

Terrain und Habitat

Meer , Dünen , Vereinzelte Bäume und Büsche , Moor/Heideland


Flach , Trocken , Offene Landschaft , Staubig



Ist ein Spektiv nützlich?

Möglicherweise hilfreich

Gute Beobachtungszeit


Beste Beobachtungszeit

Frühjahrszug , Herbstzug


Normaler Weg

Schwierigkeitsgrad der Tour



zu Fuß

Beobachtungshütten oder -türme


Zusätzliche Informationen

This site is a popular dog walking area, and also experiences high numbers of beach-goers in the summer. You can get away from the crowds by heading further away from the village itself.

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