
Venus Pools

Shropshire  >  United Kingdom

Lovely small reserve with a variety of habitats and bird watching hides.

Hinzugefügt* von Chris Daniels
Zuletzt aktualisiert 29 Februar 2020


Venus Pool is small lake with low flat islelets separated from a fishing lake by a causeway. Hedges and a small woodland. Arable field managed for wildlife. 5 hides, 3 open to all. With its islands and areas of open shoreline, stands of willow scrub, extensive marginal vegetation, flower-rich grassland, hedgerows and woodland this area is good for birding. It covers almost 27 ha (66 acres). Among the birds you can see here are: Sandregenpfeifer, Großer Brachvogel, Bekassine, Lachmöwe, Heringsmöwe, Kormoran, Graureiher, Mäusebussard, Eisvogel, Buntspecht, Graugans, Kanadagans, Brandgans, Löffelente, Schnatterente, Pfeifente, Krickente, Reiherente, Zwergtaucher, Haubentaucher, Ringeltaube, Teichhuhn, Bläßhuhn, Austernfischer and Kiebitz.



Venus Pool is just south of the A458 Shrewsbury to Much Wenlock road between Cross Houses and Cressage at NGR SJ548062. When travelling south-east, after passing trough Cross Houses, take the second right, an unclassified road to Upper Cound. Venus Pool is then on the left of the road as you travel south. You will find the entrance gate as you go up the hill towards Venus Bank. The gate is usually open throughout the day but will be locked after nightfall. A car park will be found just inside the gate – please leave your car here and walk down the path to the hides. There is access for disabled members to a small car park close to the public hide. There are no toilet facilities on the site.

Terrain und Habitat

See , Grasland, Wiesen , Landwirtschaft




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