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The Tresillian River and St Clement is just East of the City of Truro in West Cornwall.
Almost two walks in one, with two potential starting points. An excellent mixture of habitats including tidal estuary, small woodland, saline pool, open fields and tree and shrub lined footpaths. The Tresillian River is a tributary of the River Fal, the estuary mud and sandbanks enable waders to continue to feed in shallow water close to high tide. Alpenstrandläufer, Grünschenkel, Rotschenkel, Großer Brachvogel, Flußuferläufer and Uferschnepfe are usual in Spring/Autumn/Winter (press STAR on map). A small woodland is good for Sommergoldhähnchen in Autumn/Winter, with Kleiber, Buntspecht and mixed flocks of Blaumeise, Kohlmeise, Schwanzmeise especially in Winter (press Star on map). Tresemple Pool has regular sightings of Eisvogel, with Wasserralle and Bekassine usually present along with calling Teichrohrsänger. At high tide a number of waders use Tresemple Pool as a high tide roost (press STAR on map).
Be sure to check fields behind the pool for possible Kuhreiher amongst livestock (press STAR on map). In Spring Fischadler are regularly seen hunting for Grey Mullet (Mugil cephalus) in the main estuary. In the small village of St Clement Mehlschwalbe nest on the cottages. You can continue further South on a looping tree lined footpath that brings you back to St Clement. BE AWARE the footpath from the North starts off with a set of steps, for those less able/in wheelchairs use the St Clement car park for step free access.
The site has had some rarities. In 2015 Tresemple Pool had a Nachtreiher, in 2016 the main estuary had a Krauskopfpelikan.
Two starting places, in the North park in roadside layby on A390 (footpath starts with steps) or in the South in the village of St Clement (step free access). Press P on map for directions.
As with most estuaries a visit 3 hours either side of high tide is preferable. See the link to the tides table below.
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