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Towan Head is a headland that is a good sea-watching point. Seabird passage can involve thousands of birds in winter.
Towan Head is a headland one mile west of Newquay on the north coast of Cornwall. It is at the western end of Newquay Bay. The headland points north and this makes Towan Head a local sea-watching hotspot. Winter gales can produce a large westerly seabird passage which can involve thousands of Basstölpel, Tordalk and Dreizehenmöwe accompanied by rarer species like Thorshühnchen, Krabbentaucher, Papageitaucher and Balearensturmtaucher. Eiderente, Trauerente and Eisente maybe encountered sheltering in the calmer waters to the North of Towan Head. All species of divers may also be seen. Meerstrandläufer and Hausrotschwanz are also winter visitors to the headland.
The Towan headland is easy accessible. There is a parking close to the headland and you can easily walk from there. Click on the P in the map to get directions to the parking place. On the headland is a small white building (coastguard lookout) where you can find some shelter from the wind. There are some benches around it.
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