
St James Park

London  >  United Kingdom

A 23 hectare park in central London. Please note that many birds in the park are captive zoo birds.

Hinzugefügt* von Brodie
Zuletzt aktualisiert 2 Juni 2024


St James's Park is a 23 hectare park in central London. The park is bounded by Buckingham Palace to the west, the Mall to the north, Horse Guards to the east, and Birdcage Walk to the south. The park has a small lake with two islands, West Island and Duck Island, the latter named from the lake's collection of captive waterfowl. The majestic fountain protects Duck Island, which Graureiher and Kormoran use as refuge. Among the wild birds you can see are Graugans, Höckerschwan, Nilgans, Löffelente, Schnatterente, Reiherente, Schellente, Schwarzkopf-Ruderente, Zwergtaucher, Haubentaucher, Ringeltaube, Felsentaube, Teichhuhn, Bläßhuhn, Bekassine, Flußuferläufer, Lachmöwe, Kormoran, Graureiher, Sperber, Eisvogel, Turmfalke, Wanderfalke, Halsbandsittich, Eichelhäher, Elster, Blaumeise, Mönchsgrasmücke, Kleiber, Misteldrossel, Singdrossel, Rotkehlchen, Gebirgsstelze and Trauerbachstelze.

A resident colony of captive Rosapelikan has been a feature of the park since a Russian ambassador donated them to Charles II in 1664. Other captive birds, mostly distinguishable from wild birds by being pinioned (half of one wing amputated), include Streifengans, Schneegans, Zwergschneegans, Weißwangengans, Rothalsgans, Rostgans, Brandgans, Brautente, Pfeifente (occasional wild birds can occur, distinguishable by being full-winged), Spießente (occasional wild birds can occur), Kolbenente (occasional feral or wild birds can occur), Eiderente, and Zwergsäger. These captive birds are not included in the bird list below.



The London transport underground train (Green Park or St James Park) and bus. It is hard to find parking round there. You can cycle and walk around the park and view the lake perfectly. There are cafes to buy luxurious pastries.

Terrain und Habitat

See , Stadt/Dorf , Schilfflächen , Vereinzelte Bäume und Büsche





Ist ein Spektiv nützlich?


Gute Beobachtungszeit


Beste Beobachtungszeit

Winter , Sommer , Frühjahr , Herbst


Normaler Weg

Schwierigkeitsgrad der Tour



zu Fuß , Fahrrad , Rollstuhl

Beobachtungshütten oder -türme


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