
Richmond Park

South west London  >  United Kingdom

Bird life in Richmond Park is hugely varied with around 144 species recorded over the last 10 years and 63 breeding species, including all 3 woodpeckers.

Hinzugefügt* von tayla
Zuletzt aktualisiert 11 März 2022


Richmond Park in London was created by Charles I in the 17th century. With 955 hectares it is the largest of London's Royal Parks. The park is a national nature reserve and a Site of Special Scientific Interest. Halsbandsittich have rapidly increased in recent years and their raucous cries are now one of the most commonly heard sounds of the park. Several ground nesting species that breed in the acid grassland of the park have suffered a serious national decline including Feldlerche, Rohrammer, Schwarzkehlchen and Wiesenpieper. The Rebhuhn is another threatened grassland bird that was once common in the park, however the last known breeding was in 1997. The common waterfowl found in the park consist of: Höckerschwan, Kanadagans, Graugans, Stockente, Mandarinente, Reiherente, Tafelente, Kolbenente and Löffelente.



Richmond Park is open to vehicles from 7:00 am in the summer and 7:30 am in the winter. Vehicle gates close at dusk all year round. Pedestrian gates are open 24 hours except during the six week deer culls from November to early December and February to early March. During these months, pedestrian gates open at 7:30 am and close at 8:00 pm.

Richmond Park is accessible by public transport. By Tube / Train: Richmond Station - National Rail or District Line (and then catch the 371 or 65 buses to the pedestrian gate at Petersham). By Bus: 190 Hammersmith - Richmond, 391 Hammersmith - Richmond, 419 Hammersmith - Richmond, R68 Bushy Park and Richmond. By Car: Situated to the south-west of London, Richmond Park is easily accessible by car from local areas (e.g. Petersham, Roehampton and North Sheen). There is car parking available throughout the year, although spaces are limited - particularly at weekends and public holidays.

Terrain und Habitat

Ebene , Grasland, Wiesen , Vereinzelte Bäume und Büsche , Fluss , See , Stadt/Dorf


Flach , Gebirgig , Hügelig , Offene Landschaft



Ist ein Spektiv nützlich?

Möglicherweise hilfreich

Gute Beobachtungszeit


Beste Beobachtungszeit

Frühjahr , Herbst , Sommer


unbefestigte Straße , asphaltierte Straße , Normaler Weg

Schwierigkeitsgrad der Tour



zu Fuß , Fahrrad , Auto , Rollstuhl

Beobachtungshütten oder -türme


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