
Pendarves Wood Nature Reserve

Cornwall  >  United Kingdom

Pendarves Wood is South of the town of Camborne in West Cornwall.

Hinzugefügt* von Baz Willmott
Zuletzt aktualisiert 5 September 2024
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Pendarves Wood Nature Reserve is a mainly broadleaf woodland with streams and a lake. In the early 19th century the area was transformed from summer grazing/moorland and hay meadows into a ornamental park, mostly by the Pendarves family who made their fortune from tin works. Some pits and spoil heeps can still be found on site. Throughout the woodland is a number of Badger (Meles meles) setts and you can find evidence of Otter (Lutra lutra) using the streams and lake.

The woodland is described as a 'wet woodland' and is unsurprisingly a bit of a 'hotspot' for finding Brimstone (Gonepteryx rhamni) butterflies especially in Spring. The site is managed by Cornwall Wildlife Trust (since 1976) and is rarely visited by birdwatchers, whilst the site has mostly common species Knäkente is on it's bird list and Purpurreiher has been seen nearby.



Take the A3303 South from the town of Camborne. The area is renowned for road signs being poor or non existent. Due to this fact press P's on map for directions. NOTE there is no car park at this site, on road parking only, both parking places only have room for 2 spaces each. Please do not block narrow roads.

Terrain und Habitat

Wald , Vereinzelte Bäume und Büsche , Feuchtgebiet , Fluss , See


Flach , Sumpfig , Rutschig



Ist ein Spektiv nützlich?

Möglicherweise hilfreich

Gute Beobachtungszeit


Beste Beobachtungszeit

Winter , Sommer , Herbstzug , Frühjahrszug


asphaltierte Straße , Normaler Weg , Schmaler Pfad

Schwierigkeitsgrad der Tour



zu Fuß , Fahrrad , Auto

Beobachtungshütten oder -türme


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