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Two fantastic lakes on the eastern edge of the Norfolk Broads, both with great viewing opportunites and are a quick and easy drop in.
The site of Ormesby Broad and Rollesby Broad is very easily accessible and involves little walking, although a scope is highly recommended as birds can be distant. There is always a chance of finding something scarce here, however, there is usually a suite of typcial wildfowl here to keep you going in the meantime as well as some of the more iconic species of the Norfolk Broads.
In winter, expect to find high numbers of Bläßhuhn, Tafelente and Reiherente on both Broads. Checking each broad throughly from each viewpoint is essential, as there may be Schellente and scarcites such as Bergente, Zwergsäger, Gänsesäger mixed in. In particularly cold periods, Rothalstaucher, Ohrentaucher, Schwarzhalstaucher, Eisente, Eistaucher and other rarities are entirely possible for the lucky observer. The reedbed along the edge of Ormesby Broad may hold Rohrdommel, while skenes of Kurzschnabelgans may be moving overhead.
In spring, there can often be huge arrivals of mixed hirundine flocks, with clouds of Rauchschwalbe, Uferschwalbe and Mehlschwalbe expected. There is always an outside chance of a Rötelschwalbe being in the mix. Large numbers of Flußseeschwalbe are also exepcted, and these are sometimes joined by Küstenseeschwalbe, Trauerseeschwalbe and Zwergmöwe which will all be on their way elsewhere.
The summer can be a fantastic time to spot screaming parties of Mauersegler over the lakes, while Rohrweihe can be found hunting the reedbed. The sound of Seidensänger may be heard, while Eisvogel may be spotted over the lakes. Autumn can be quiter at these sites with the Norfolk coast recieving more attention, however, there is always a chance of a passage Fischadler to keep you going until the winter birds return.
There is a car park, and the viewpoints are next to the car park. The viewpoint for Ormesby Broad (looking north) is on the edge of a (sometimes busy) road.
During the middle of the day on both Saturday and Sunday, and sometimes weekdays in summer, expect to see boats using the lakes. These may cause the wildfowl to temporarily move on elsewhere, so be advised that visiting at these times may be less productive for birding.
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