
Hunstanton Cliffs

Norfolk  >  United Kingdom

Fairly small cliffs facing the Wash bay area and home to a breeding colony of Eissturmvogel.

Hinzugefügt* von Bas Engels
Zuletzt aktualisiert 12 Februar 2020
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The Hunstaton Cliffs are located on the northern side of Hunstanton and face the Wash bay area. The cliffs are coloured white and red and are famous for their fossils and, of course, the breeding colony of Eissturmvogel. The number of breeding pairs peaked in 1995 with about 200 pairs, but nowadays, the number is averaged around 100 pairs. They can be seen from the beach, sitting on their ledges or from the top where you can see them flying away and coming in from the sea.

The beach, especially during low tide, is a great place for many shorebird species, like gulls and waders. Large flocks tend to stay and forage for prey on the tidal mudflats. Common species are Austernfischer, Knutt, Pfuhlschnepfe and Rotschenkel. The scattered rocks are a great place for Meerstrandläufer.

From the clifss, you'll have a perfect view over the bay. You can find species like Dreizehenmöwe, Basstölpel, Krähenscharbe and even skuas and shearwaters, with a bit of luck. Flocks of scoter, both Trauerente and Samtente, can be found and small numbers of Sterntaucher are present.



The area is easy accessable due to the parking lot on top of the cliffs and the pathway down to the beach. You can walk over the beach towards the cliffs and find the Eissturmvogel there, mostly by sound.

Terrain und Habitat

Stadt/Dorf , Schlammflächen , Strand , Meer


Hügelig , Sandig , Offene Landschaft , Hochwasser möglich



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Gute Beobachtungszeit


Beste Beobachtungszeit

Frühjahr , Herbstzug , Frühjahrszug


unbefestigte Straße , asphaltierte Straße

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