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Durlston Country Park is part of the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Site and has an amazing diversity of wildlife; over 250 species of bird have been recorded.
Durlston is an excellent place to go birdwatching at any time of the year. The cliffs are home to the largest breeding colony of Trottellumme in Southern England. Tordalk also breed but in smaller numbers. Passing seabirds such as Basstölpel and Dreizehenmöwe can be seen at any time, but particularly during windy weather. Wanderfalke and Kolkrabe patrol the cliffs. During autumn, 'visible migration' can be spectacular with thousands of finches and pipits passing overhead just after dawn. The woodland areas provide habitat for Mäusebussard, Sperber, Kleiber and Waldbaumläufer; in autumn, passage species in the woodland can include Gelbbrauen-Laubsänger and Sommergoldhähnchen. In spring and early summer, the scrub areas are alive with migrant warblers including Klappergrasmücke. Migrating raptors such as Rotmilan, Fischadler, Baumfalke and Merlin pass through the Park.
From Swanage, follow the brown tourist signs up the hill to Durlston Country Park; the postcode is BH19 2JL. Click on the P in the map to get directions. There are many walking trails in the Park. On the map you see a circular walk of 3,5 km that passes cliffs and woodland.
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