
Burshtyn Water Reservoir

Oblast Ivano-Frankivsk  >  Ukraine

Reservoir that is rich in bird life and holds significant numbers of wintering birds. More then 150 bird species have been recorded here.

Hinzugefügt* von Lukas Weber
Zuletzt aktualisiert 28 Januar 2022
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The Burshtyn Water Reservoir is the largest non-freezing water body in the western part of Ukraine, which provides an immense support for protection of large number wintering and migrating waterbirds. The Bushtyn reservoir is located on the Hnyla Lypa River (the left tributary of the Dnister) and is fed by this watercourse. The reservoir is constructed in 1965 to cool a thermal power plant. Because of its function, the site’s water temperature is slightly higher than that of other water bodies in the region, preventing it from freezing during winter. This provides favourable conditions for foraging and wintering birds. The reservoir supports 153 bird species, of them 62 species breed regulalrly, 49 species occur only during winter and migration periods. Tafelente nests here in great numbers, while other species such as Zwergsäger, Gänsesäger and Schellente are found in internationally significant numbers. There is an artificial island constructed in the reservoir, that provides more breeding and roosting areas for birds during migration periods.



Along the shores of the reservoir there are Korystovychi, Bovshiv and Demianiv villages, Burshtyn Town and Burshtyn Thermal Power Station. The shores are embanked with concrete slabs. Only the northern and partially the eastern shore of the reservoir are covered by reed and willow thickets. So those are the best places for birding. Best way to explore the reservoir is by car and make different stops on the southern and the northern shore. But best part with the most species is the northern area. But in winter the big groups of wintering birds are more spread all over the reservoir.

Terrain und Habitat

See , Feuchtgebiet


Offene Landschaft



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Gute Beobachtungszeit


Beste Beobachtungszeit

Winter , Frühjahr , Herbstzug , Frühjahrszug


asphaltierte Straße

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zu Fuß , Auto

Beobachtungshütten oder -türme


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