
Stampf Rapperswil - Jona

Ostschweiz  >  Switzerland

The mouth of the river Jona at the lake Obersee is a good area for wintering waterfowl, breeding terns and gulls and migrating waders and passerines.

Hinzugefügt* von Schuppisser
Zuletzt aktualisiert 7 Januar 2021


Stampf Rapperswil - Jona lies at the upper end of the lake of Zürich at Lake Obersee. Where the river Jona joins the lake you have a good view over most of the Obersee. There is also a small island, attracting waders and herons. It's a good area for wintering waterfowl, breeding terns and gulls and migrating waders and passerines. Breeding waterfowl includes good numbers of Kolbenente and some Mandarinente. In winter more species of ducks are present. Flußseeschwalbe are breeding in several places and it's also the most reliable site for breeding Schwarzkopfmöwe, although usually just one or two pairs are breeding. Großer Brachvogel can be seen year round and may even breed from time to time. The mouth of the river Jona is also an excellent place to watch migratory birds. During migration Silberreiher, Trauerseeschwalbe, many waders, gulls and other tern species can turn up.



The village of Rapperswil is located 35 km from Zürich and can be easily reached by public transport from Zürich. If you arrive by car there is a big parking in the Stampf Rapperswil area. Click on the P in the map to get directions to the parking.

Terrain und Habitat

See , Fluss


Offene Landschaft



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