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The Kanderdelta, a rare breeding site of the Flußregenpfeifer, features dynamic and unique habitats. Over 200 bird species have been recorded.
The Kanderdelta is an artificial delta created in the 18th century. Before its construction, the Kander River bypassed Lake Thun entirely. The river deposits substantial amounts of gravel into the delta and the lake, necessitating regular gravel extraction. At the same time, these gravel banks have become one of the few remaining breeding sites for the Flußregenpfeifer in Switzerland.
The delta features a dynamic mix of floodplain forests, still and flowing waters, gravel banks, and steep riverbanks, forming a unique and valuable natural habitat - a rarity in Switzerland. This exceptional ecosystem lies close to the city of Thun, resulting in conflicts between recreational use and conservation efforts. While the lakeshore is accessible year-round, there are even dedicated barbequing areas at the outer edge of the delta. A ranger frequently patrols the area, offering useful information to visitors.
Although the Flußregenpfeifer is the region's flagship species, over 200 bird species have been recorded here. The steep banks provide nesting sites for Eisvogel and Wasseramsel. In the floodplain forests, breeding birds like Kleinspecht, Kuckuck, and possibly Baumfalke, which can be observed from April to September, find their habitats. Pirol and Nachtigall are relatively common, possibly you might see a Nachtreiher or Seidenreiher. Rallenreiher has also been observed.
Waders and waterbirds use the delta as a stopover during spring and autumn migrations. The Grünschenkel is among the most frequent visitors. Other common sightings during migration seasons include Bruchwasserläufer, Waldwasserläufer, Sandregenpfeifer, and Zwergstrandläufer. Less common species like Steinwälzer and Temminckstrandläufer make appearances. During these times, the reeds are utilized by Beutelmeise and Rohrweihe.
In spring, the delta additionally hosts Rotschenkel and Kampfläufer, as well as Regenbrachvogel and Schwarzkopfmöwe. Inland, Gartenrotschwanz finds refuge in the floodplain forest. Later in spring and into summer, the Waldlaubsänger appears here, and over the lake, migrating Trauerseeschwalbe can be spotted. Exceptional sightings include its relatives, the Weißflügel-Seeschwalbe, Weißbart-Seeschwalbe, Zwergseeschwalbe, Lachseeschwalbe, and Brandseeschwalbe.
In late summer, the rare Sanderling is occasionally reported, while from September through May, Brandgans can be seen resting on the lake. Autumn brings irregular sightings of Kiebitzregenpfeifer, followed later by the more frequent Alpenstrandläufer. From winter to spring, Löffelente and Pfeifente rest on the lake, but rarer birds are also possible, as one sighting of Eisente proves.
The Kanderdelta is also a hotspot for rare waders. Eight confirmed sightings of Austernfischer have been recorded in April and June. Other notable species include Knutt, Säbelschnäbler, Seeregenpfeifer, and Triel. Additional rarities such as Brachpieper, Eistaucher, Gelbspötter, Goldregenpfeifer, Kurzzehenlerche, Odinshühnchen, Ohrentaucher, Rötelschwalbe, Schmarotzerraubmöwe, Skua, Schwalbenmöwe, and Zwergschnepfe have also been observed.
The Kanderdelta is easily accessible by bus from Thun (stop: Einigen, Kanderbrück). A parking lot is also available a few hundred meters away (Press P on the map). The area can only be explored on foot via a narrow path. This trail is not marked on maps and leads along the strictly protected Kander (1), where the Flußregenpfeifer nests on the gravel banks, through floodplain forests, and past a still water body created by gravel extraction (Unteres Kandergrien), which is often visited by herons (2), to the delta (3).
Depending on the water level, the 30 to 40-meter-wide shoreline strip of the delta can be walked on. However, it’s obviously preferable not to disturb or approach any wading birds that might be present. On the other side of the Kandergrien, there is a meadow for lounging (4) with a good view of the lake, and a kiosk operates there during the warmer months.
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