Rate birdingplace Crêta de Vella
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Mountain of the Swiss Pennine Alps with good birding when you hike through the forest, alpine pastures and rocky open areas.
The Crêta de Vella is a mountain of the Swiss Pennine Alps, located south of Liddes in the canton of Valais. It lies at the northern end of the chain separating the Comba de l'A from the main valley of Entremont. When walking up you can encounter alpine birds and birds of prey like Alpenschneehuhn, Birkhuhn, Mornellregenpfeifer, Steinadler, Sperber, Kolkrabe, Tannenhäher, Hausrotschwanz, Bergpieper and Steinschmätzer.
Head out on this 12 km out-and-back trail starting near Bourg-Saint-Pierre. Note: this is generally considered a challenging route, with more than 1000 meters of height difference to bridge. It takes an average of 5 hours to complete.