
Norsholm Area

Östergötland  >  Sweden

Bird rich ponds next to inland coastal meadows make for a bird rich combination.

Hinzugefügt* von Ludwig Gustafsson
Zuletzt aktualisiert 15 September 2024
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The Norsholm area is quite vast and contains many minor sites shortly described here. The areas mentioned are marked with a star on the map. Press on a star and you can see the name of the area.

Grensholmsbron: Winter site with open waters even during harsh winters. Thousands of Reiherente (at most 2000), hundreds of Zwergsäger (only numerous during november and december), Schellente (at most 700), Stockente (at most 600), and Gänsesäger (at most 600). Among more rarer wintering birds it is most known for wintering Steinadler, and Eisvogel. Other not yearly winter visitors are Bindenkreuzschnabel, Hakengimpel during invasions, and Zwergtaucher, Schnatterente, Berghänfling, Spießente, Mittelsäger, and Polarbirkenzeisig during birdrich winters.

Norsholms coastal meadows: Reed free coastal meadows which are rich in waders during late spring and autumn. Although only if the water level is right (only during high water). Few arctic waders are found but Waldwasserläufer, Flußregenpfeifer, Dunkler Wasserläufer, Kampfläufer, Rotschenkel, Bekassine, Waldschnepfe, Bruchwasserläufer and Grünschenkel. Rotschenkel, Kiebitz, and Bekassine breed. Silberreiher, Eisvogel, and Mittelsäger are common.

Åby strandängar: Reed coated coastal meadows which are flooded during spring floods. They are then usually filled with early waders and ducks. Rohrdommel can be heard singing. All common dabbling ducks are usually found except Knäkente. Pfeifente, Stockente, and Schnatterente. On these coastal meadows Silberreiher is often found.

Braskens grav: is an oxbow lake of the river Motala ström which often floods making it perfect for waders and ducks. Krickente is numerous, Dunkler Wasserläufer, and other common tringa-waders are often found along with Zwergschnepfe. Silberreiher is often found here. Teichhuhn, and Bläßhuhn breed.

Åby gård: complex of 3 ponds, the large, the small and fiskaretorpet. It is these ponds and the field around them which Norsholm is most known for. It has a bird observation tower. During spring it holds large amounts of ducks and swans with Höckerschwan, Singschwan, Stockente, Pfeifente, Schnatterente, Krickente, Löffelente, Reiherente, Zwergsäger, and Gänsesäger being common and Knäkente and Spießente, being rarer. Other common wetland birds are Bläßhuhn, Kranich, Graureiher. Kormoran often roost here. Rarer birds roosting are Zwergtaucher, Teichhuhn, Rohrdommel (nearby reed areas), and Silberreiher. There are small islands in the pond which hold a small tern and gull colony. Theese islands also hold small amounts of waders often; Großer Brachvogel, Rotschenkel, Kiebitz, Kampfläufer and Bruchwasserläufer. During early spring the area is great for roosting geese and swans with hundreds of Bläßgans, Graugans, Saatgans, Kanadagans, and Weißwangengans during good years. often along with smaller amounts of Zwergschwan (rare), Tundrasaatgans, Kurzschnabelgans, and Ringelgans (rare).

Around these ponds Waldohreule, Zwergtaucher, Teichhuhn, Singschwan, Haubentaucher, Kanadagans, Graugans, Krickente, Kranich, Kiebitz, Bekassine, Bläßhuhn, Lachmöwe, Mantelmöwe, Höckerschwan, Flußseeschwalbe, Fasan, Reiherente, Stockente, Schellente, and southern Wiesenschafstelze breed along with more common birds.

During autumn large amounts of ducks can rest (but less than during spring). The small islands grow during dry summers and can some years hold arctic waders like Alpenstrandläufer, Sichelstrandläufer, and Temminckstrandläufer. Blaukehlchen, and Spornammer can sometimes be found on the surrounding fields.



The areas are located north, west and southwest of the town of Norsholm. There are many parking spaces available. Press a P on the map for directions to a parking.

Terrain und Habitat

Wald , Feuchtgebiet , Ebene , Strand , Schlammflächen , Teich , See , Tal , Grasland, Wiesen , Vereinzelte Bäume und Büsche , Fluss , Schilfflächen , Landwirtschaft , Park , Stadt/Dorf


Hügelig , Hochwasser möglich , Sumpfig



Ist ein Spektiv nützlich?

Möglicherweise hilfreich

Gute Beobachtungszeit

Frühjahr , Herbst , Sommer

Beste Beobachtungszeit

Frühjahrszug , Herbstzug


Schmaler Pfad , Normaler Weg , asphaltierte Straße , unbefestigte Straße

Schwierigkeitsgrad der Tour



zu Fuß , Fahrrad , Auto , Boot

Beobachtungshütten oder -türme


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