
Morups Tånge and Glommen

Halland  >  Sweden

A pensinsula located at the coast of Kattegat, Morups tånge is both very interesting and quite beautiful.

Hinzugefügt* von Anders Larsson
Zuletzt aktualisiert 25 März 2021


Morups tånge shows a wide display of different birds depending om time of year and the weather. Its location makes it to a good migration site, but also winter time can be interesting. As a breeding site though it is pretty scarce. Outside migration time the site can feel quite empty but it always worth looking among the Kormoran for the in Sweden rare Krähenscharbe.

One of the greatest features of Morups tånge is in the spring and autumn the sometimes spectacular migration of seafowl, Eiderente , Trauerente , Samtente , Ringelgans and all kind of other ducks, loons and grebes. If one is lucky Prachteiderente , Rothalsgans , Eistaucher or Gelbschnabeltaucher can be seen.

When the late summer and autumn storms are coming, atlantic sea birds can be seen very well from Morup. The small copse N of the lighthouse is more or less the only thing that gives cover. An alternative position is at Glommens sten, just north of Morups tånge. Under favourable conditions species as Basstölpel ,Eissturmvogel , Krabbentaucher , Skua , Dunkler Sturmtaucher, Sturmschwalbe and Wellenläufer can be seen, also if you are lucky rearer spices of sharewaters for example Atlantiksturmtaucher (in late summer).

It is tricky to anticipate when the weather is as best for pelagic birds. But generally it is said that for optimal conditions, the days before the wind should come heavy (20+ m/s) from SW att the Nordic sea, pushing the birds in to Skagerak, then the day before you visit, the wind shall tilt to NW instead, pushing the birds down in to Kattegat. The last step is that , at Morups tånge, the wind should tilt to SW - W so they get pushed towards the shore. Under those conditions a good amount of seabirds will be seen.

Another of the main attractions of the site is the migration of shorebirds from mid july and along the autumn. At Korshamn and Brevik they gather and sometimes in great amounts and a wide variety. More or less all the species of waders that pass Sweden can be seen at Morups tånge in the autumn.

Pölsefloen is a reconstructed wetland there snipes and other shorebirds and rails and gallinules roost.

It is also worth visiting the area in the winter there Ohrenlerche, Meerstrandläufer, Steinwälzer and sometimes Kurzschnabelgans can be seen.

280 different spices has been seen and the list of rarities is long.

Please notice that a lot of Morups tånge is restricted area most part of the year, 1/3 - 31/10. The general rule is to keep to the paths and not walk down to the shores. For more precise information see the link below ( page 4).



If going by public transport, take the train to Falkenberg station, take bus nr 1 to Falkenbergs bussterminal Holgersplan and change to bus nr 2 towards Glommen, and step of at Morups tånge and walk the last bit.

If going by car drive E& to Falkenberg drive to N to Morups Tånge.

Terrain und Habitat

Meer , Strand , Schlammflächen , Ebene





Ist ein Spektiv nützlich?


Gute Beobachtungszeit

Frühjahr , Herbst , Winter

Beste Beobachtungszeit

Herbstzug , Frühjahrszug


unbefestigte Straße , Schmaler Pfad

Schwierigkeitsgrad der Tour



zu Fuß

Beobachtungshütten oder -türme



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