

Östergötland  >  Sweden

At the mouth of Motala Ströms in Roxen large coastal meadows and valueable fields can be found. The rapid waters at the mouth keep the water open year round.

Hinzugefügt* von Ludwig Gustafsson
Zuletzt aktualisiert 21 Februar 2022


At Kungsbro 212 Bird species have been recorded. Kungsbro is a nature reserve next to the lake of Roxen. At the lake 296 bird species have been recorded. During winter large amounts (hundreds if not thousands) of Reiherente, Stockente, and Schellente. Among these Zwergsäger, Gänsesäger, Höckerschwan, Haubentaucher, Mantelmöwe, Bläßhuhn, Singschwan, Pfeifente, and Schnatterente. In mild winters you can observe hundreds of Graugans, and Kanadagans. Sometimes Star, Bläßgans, and Kiebitz also winter in the area. Birds of prey like Mäusebussard, Raufußbussard, Turmfalke, Seeadler, and Kornweihe can also be seen in the area. And Raubwürger.

During spring large amounts of geese stay in the hundreds on the fields and meadows. In some years Kiebitz, Saatgans, and Feldlerche are found here. Large amounts dabbling ducks, can be found some of whom breed. Many wading birds like Uferschnepfe, Großer Brachvogel, Regenbrachvogel, Austernfischer, Rotschenkel, Bruchwasserläufer, and Kampfläufer use the coastal meadows as feeding grounds. From the observation tower you get a good view of the lake. On the lake you can see hundreds of Flußseeschwalbe, Silbermöwe and Sturmmöwe. Smaller amounts of Raubseeschwalbe, Trauerseeschwalbe, Heringsmöwe and Zwergmöwe can be found from May-September.

Kungsbro has a small colony of Lachmöwe. Waders like Kiebitz, Austernfischer, Rotschenkel, and Bekassine. Other breeding birds are: Schnatterente, Graugans, Bläßhuhn, Krickente, and Haubentaucher. Among passerine birds Teichrohrsänger, Schilfrohrsänger, Rohrammer, Wiesenschafstelze and many more breed.

During autumn Wiesenpieper, Schneeammer, Berghänfling, Rotkehlpieper, Ringeltaube use the fields and coastal meadows as resting ground. Calidris-waders often use the coastal meadows when the water levels at Roxen are low. Among these Alpenstrandläufer, Sichelstrandläufer, and Temminckstrandläufer are the most common. Zwergschnepfe can also be found. Silberreiher and Graureiher are also often found.



The nature reserve is just outside the towns of Berg and Ljungsbro. The area is close to Linköping. There is a parking spot at the birdwatching tower and south of the river Motala Ström at Sjöliden parking spaces can be found. Click on a P in the map to get directions to that point.

Terrain und Habitat

Wald , Vereinzelte Bäume und Büsche , Feuchtgebiet , Grasland, Wiesen , Ebene , Tal , Fluss , Schlammflächen , Landwirtschaft , Schilfflächen , Strand


Flach , Hügelig , Sumpfig , Offene Landschaft



Ist ein Spektiv nützlich?

Möglicherweise hilfreich

Gute Beobachtungszeit


Beste Beobachtungszeit

Herbst , Frühjahr


asphaltierte Straße , unbefestigte Straße , Normaler Weg

Schwierigkeitsgrad der Tour



zu Fuß , Fahrrad

Beobachtungshütten oder -türme


Zusätzliche Informationen

Note: The coastal meadows are a bird proctection area and the coastal meadows are not allowed to be visited from 1/4-30/6. The birdwatching tower can be visited year round.


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