Rate birdingplace Dalkarsäng
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A wetland located in the Bornsjön nature reserve. From a two-storey bird observation tower you can overlook the area.
Dalkarlsäng is a lake with reed beds surrounded by forest. Among the breeding birds are Krickente, Schellente, Singschwan, Bläßhuhn and Zwergtaucher. Baumfalke and Rohrweihe are regular visitors. In the reeds you find Wasserralle, Rohrammer and Teichrohrsänger. Other birds you can encounter are Kuckuck, Kranich, Kiebitz, Bekassine, Flußuferläufer, Prachttaucher, Schwarzspecht, Bartmeise, Sprosser, Trauerschnäpper, Gartenrotschwanz, Braunkehlchen, Steinschmätzer, Seidenschwanz, Hakengimpel and Goldammer.
At the northwestern corner of Lake Bornsjön it is possible to park. From there it is about 1,3 km walking to the wetland. Dalkarlsäng is located in a military training area and is occasionally closed for the public, which in that case is stated on signs at the barriers. Bird life is probably not significantly affected up by the wetland, which is about 500 m from a shooting range.