
Las Salinas de Fuencaliente

La Palma - Canary Islands  >  Spain

De saltpans of La Palma, located on the southern most part of the island. A very good spot for migrating waders.

Hinzugefügt* von Bas Engels
Zuletzt aktualisiert 12 Februar 2020


Las Salinas de Fuencaliente, also called the Fuencaliente Saltpans, are located on the southern most part of the island of La Palma. The area contains multiple saltpans overlooking the Atlantic Ocean and is a very good spot for migrating waders and other waterbird species.

The first four saltpans, when walking the circular route around the saltpans, are the most interesting for birds. Most common and numerous are waders like Steinwälzer, Sandregenpfeifer and Alpenstrandläufer. Other waders that can be found here are Sichelstrandläufer, Zwergstrandläufer, Regenbrachvogel, Pfuhlschnepfe and many more.

Besides waders, other waterbird species like herons and Löffler visit the area while migrating fatten up. Sometimes, even Rosaflamingo can be seen!

The surrounding land area contains small scrubs and scattered bushes with rocky patches of solidified lava. Here, species like Samtkopf-Grasmücke , Brillengrasmücke and Kanarenzilpzalp can be found. The open parts are a good spot for Kanarenpieper.

Walking the circular route, you come across some perfect viewing points over the Atlantic Ocean. You can find large flocks of Gelbschnabelsturmtaucher and Mittelmeermöwe.



The area is easy accessable due to the presence of a walking route around the saltpans. You can park your car at the parking lot (see map) and walk towards the saltpans.

Terrain und Habitat

Ebene , Berg , Meer , Landwirtschaft


Hügelig , Felsig , Offene Landschaft



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Frühjahrszug , Herbstzug


unbefestigte Straße , Normaler Weg , asphaltierte Straße

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