
Lagunas de Ruidera Natural park

Castilla la Mancha  >  Spain

Fantastically beautifull area with crystal-clear water. Great for snorkling.

Hinzugefügt* von Mats van Kasteren
Zuletzt aktualisiert 13 Februar 2020
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Apart from being a visually pleasing area to visit, this Natural park also holds some very nice birds. Especially Purpurreiher was very easily seen in the area.

Apart from the birds, during my stay here I found it to be a extremely reliable site to see the majestic Ocellated lizard (europe's largest lizard). I found an adult male on the south bank and a pair on the side of the road, just beyond the waterfalls.



The area is very well signposted in the vicinity. When coming from Ruidera just follow the road south, in the direction of the camping Los Batanes.

To get to the other side of the lake (seen from the road), take the car beyond the campsite. Just after the fenced rubbish dump kind off area, there is an unpaved path leading through some meditteranean woodland. I takes you around the campsite untilyou reach the banks of the lagoon. Whilst in the forest, look for Blauelster and several songbirds including Pirol. When you reach the lagoon, follow the trail as far as you like. Along the way I saw ocellated lizard (as mentioned) but also several other lizards and Spannish terrapin is very common in the lagoon. Red deer may also be seen.

Terrain und Habitat

Feuchtgebiet , Schlucht/Cliff , See , Schilfflächen , Vereinzelte Bäume und Büsche


Kein Schatten , Felsig , Hochwasser möglich , Staubig



Ist ein Spektiv nützlich?


Gute Beobachtungszeit

Sommer , Frühjahr

Beste Beobachtungszeit



asphaltierte Straße , unbefestigte Straße

Schwierigkeitsgrad der Tour



zu Fuß

Beobachtungshütten oder -türme


Zusätzliche Informationen

Note that in Summer this area can be very hot, bring enough water!

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