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Large reservoir located in the province of Badajoz on the Guadajira River close to the village of Villalba de los Barros.
The Villalba de los Barros reservoir is located between large plains of undulating and deforested land where pastures grow that are used by the sheep farms present in the area. The reservoir is considered as an important place for birds that seek refuge on the islands of the reservoir, taking advantage of their tranquility and the defense they offer against predators. Good chances to see Häherkuckuck, Rotflügel-Brachschwalbe and Lachseeschwalbe. Among the other birds you can encounter are Blauelster, Seidenreiher, Kalanderlerche, Haubenlerche, Bienenfresser, Wiedehopf, Schwarzmilan, Rohrweihe, Zwergseeschwalbe and Stelzenläufer.
Espagnol: El embalse de Villalba de los Barros se localiza en la provincia de Badajoz sobre el río Guadajira. El entorno donde se encuentra el embalse está formado por grandes llanuras de terreno ondulado y desarbolado donde crecen pastizales que son aprovechados por las ganaderías ovinas presentes en la zona.
The reservoir is located 3 km south of the village of Villalba de los Barros. Best accessible part is the northwest side of the reservoir where you have a view of some of the islands in the reservoir. On the map you see a possible route on an unpaved road along the shore.
Espagnol: El embalse se encuentra a 3 km al sur del pueblo de Villalba de los Barros. La mejor parte accesible es el lado noroeste del embalse, desde donde se tiene una vista de algunas de las islas del embalse. En el mapa se ve una ruta posible por un camino sin pavimentar a lo largo de la costa.
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