Rate birdingplace Sepsikőröspataki Tó
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A smallish lake that attracts birds near the village of Valea Crișului. The lake is in a reconstructed open coalpit, surrounded by planted robinia/locust grove.
Sepsikőröspataki Tó is a lake where you can observe a range of birds. Depending on the season you can spot birds such as Stelzenläufer, Seidenreiher, Haubentaucher, Kiebitz, Tafelente, Pfeifente, Drosselrohrsänger, Dorngrasmücke, Stockente, Zwergtaucher, Türkentaube, Teichhuhn, Flußuferläufer, Lachmöwe, Kormoran, Graureiher, Fischadler, Schreiadler, Rohrweihe, Sperber, Eisvogel , Buntspecht , Turmfalke , Eichelhäher , Elster , Dohle , Saatkrähe , Nebelkrähe , Kolkrabe , Sumpfmeise , Blaumeise , Kohlmeise , Feldlerche , Teichrohrsänger , Rauchschwalbe , Mehlschwalbe , Zilpzalp , Schwanzmeise , Mönchsgrasmücke , Kleiber , Star , Zaunkönig , Amsel , Wacholderdrossel , Rotkehlchen , Haussperling , Buchfink , Feldsperling , Gimpel , Grünfink , Bluthänfling , Erlenzeisig , Schwarzstorch Stieglitz and Steppenmöwe.
Sepsikőröspataki Tó is located near the villages of Valea Crișului and Arcuș. Click on the P in the map for directions. The circular walk around the lake is about 3 km.