
Grand Etang

Est  >  Réunion

Natural high-altitude lake surrounded by a forest. The majority of Reunion island's endemics can be spotted here.

Hinzugefügt* von gilou974
Zuletzt aktualisiert 14 März 2024


Grand Etang is the only high-altitude lake of volcanic origin in Reunion Island. At an altitude of 500 metres, it filled up with slightly mineralised water and fluctuations in its level can be very sizeable. Present on the site are the majority of the island's endemic passerines and the Reunion Harrier.



Heading off from the west, take the dual carriageway towards Saint-Denis, then Saint-Benoit. Passing through Saint-Benoit, head for Plaine des Palmistes, passing La Confiance and Chemin de Ceinture. Before taking the first hairpins up to Plaine des Palmistes, and before arriving at the horse-riding centre near Payet bridge, take the fork to the right, indicated by a sign for Grand Etang. Continue on this paved road for 3 km to the car park of Grand Etang.

It is a 20 minutes walk from the car park to the lake. You can also make a longer circular walk (about 10 km) and visit the two waterfalls of Bras d'Annette. Best to arrive very early at the Grand Etang car park to be sure of having a blue sky, and start by taking the path signposted at the bottom of the car park near the big eucalyptus.

Terrain und Habitat

Wald , Feuchtgebiet




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Top 5 Arten

Reunion Harrier
4. Reunion Harrier
(Circus maillardi)
Reunion Gray White-eye
5. Reunion Gray White-eye
(Zosterops borbonicus)

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