
Parque da Pasteleira

Porto  >  Portugal

Small city park with a lake and a large area of pine and oak forest. Particularly interesting to observe forest species.

Hinzugefügt* von João Lima
Zuletzt aktualisiert 6 Februar 2022


Parque da Pasteleira is a small city park, with around 7 hectares. It preserves some of the last remains of the pine forest that used to cover the area. Most of the park is located in a sloped area, which is mainly covered by pine and oak forest. On the lower part of the park there is a lake surrounded by gardens and a couple of grassy areas. When birding in this spot, the two main areas of interest should be the lake and the forested areas.

Although not big, the lake attracts some species of ducks such as Stockente, Nilgans and Löffelente. It is also a gathering place for gulls, mainly Mittelmeermöwe and Heringsmöwe. The margins should be scouted for Eisvogel, Flußuferläufer, Graureiher and Seidenreiher. During spring and summer, swallows and swifts can be found feeding over the lake. Some of the most common species are Mauersegler, Rauchschwalbe and Felsenschwalbe(which is present all year round).

Einfarbstar, Ringeltaube, Türkentaube, Elster and Rabenkrähe can be seen in or around the surrounding grass patches. The pine and oak forest is home to a large diversity of species. The illusive Grünspecht and Buntspecht are most often heard than seen. The Eichelhäher is quite common in the area, just like other typical forest species like Gartenbaumläufer, Buchfink, Tannenmeise and Kohlmeise.



Located in the middle of the city of Porto, this park is accessible by car, bike or public transport (bus lines 200, 204, 207 and 504. Stop "Pasteleira"). If you decide to travel by car, there are parking spots in the surrounding streets. The best way to explore the park is either by foot or by bicycle. If you decide to explore by bicycle, it is best to start on the higher part of the park and make your way down the slope.

Terrain und Habitat

Wald , See , Vereinzelte Bäume und Büsche





Ist ein Spektiv nützlich?


Gute Beobachtungszeit


Beste Beobachtungszeit

Winter , Frühjahr


asphaltierte Straße , Normaler Weg

Schwierigkeitsgrad der Tour



zu Fuß , Fahrrad

Beobachtungshütten oder -türme



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