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Lagoa dos Salgados is one of the better sites for bird watching in the Algarve. A typical coastal lagoon with several good viewing points.
Lagoa dos Salgados is a typical coastal lagoon – a body of water bordered by aquatic vegetation and separated from the sea by an extensive, unbroken dune cordon. The main body of water is formed by the mouths of two small rivers – the Espiche and the Vale Rabelho – and is frequently invaded by the sea, especially in winter, through man-made breaches in the dune cordon when the water level rises too high. The area subject to flooding which surrounds the lagoon on its north and east sides is bordered by arable fields, mostly abandoned, grassland and a golf course to the east. The lagoon covers an area about 50 hectares and is relatively shallow, encouraging the presence of a wide variety of waterfowl, including ducks, herons, waders, etc.
Over 200 species have been recorded there, especially waterfowl. It is one of the few places in the region where Moorente can be seen regularly and the only one where Rosaflamingo has attempted to breed. Other interesting species you can see here are Kurzzehenlerche, Rallenreiher, Purpurhuhn and Raubseeschwalbe.
Almost the entire extent of the lagoon can be seen from a single observation point on the west bank where birdwatchers often gather. To the south, in the part adjacent to the dunes, there is a long, raised wooden walkway which runs along the whole of the south bank of the floodable area, and actually crosses the lagoon at the entrance to Salgados beach.
From Pêra, follow signs for Praia Grande. On arriving there, you will find the wetland on your left. There is a car park near the entrance to the beach and a path leading to the wetland.
Access to the lagoon is easy and there is a road at right angles to it on its western shore which is accessible by car, ending at a point where it is possible see the majority of the wetland and the bird life that occurs there. This is the place most used by birdwatchers. To the south, there is a walkway that begins at the Praia Grande car park and runs east to Salgados beach. This is accessible on foot or by bicycle and offers good views over the rest of the wetland and Lagoa dos Salgados.
It is advisable to visit this lagoon in the afternoon, so as to have favourable sunlight for observation. This site is very pleasant in late afternoon. A good place to photograph birds, since the distances are very short. Only use the signposted trails.
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