Rate birdingplace Stawy w Walewicach
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This complex of fish ponds includes 8 ponds with a total area of over 200 hectares. Only one of the ponds is covered with rushes by 30%. Worth visiting.
Stawy w Walewicach attracts many birds. The most interesting birds on the ponds that nest in the area are: Haubentaucher , Rothalstaucher , Schwarzhalstaucher , Kormoran , Rohrdommel , Graugans , Schnatterente , Lachmöwe , Flußseeschwalbe , Tüpfelsumpfhuhn , Kleines Sumpfhuhn and Blaukehlchen . During the migration, migrating birds stop on the ponds and the nearby fields. Their total number amounts to several thousand individuals. Among them, the following birds have been recorded: Prachttaucher , Singschwan , Zwergschwan , Weißwangengans , Brandgans , Pfuhlschnepfe and Stelzenläufer.
You can take a look at the ponds by going down from the provincial road number 703 at their height or from the village of Walewice with a request to enter the pond complex. The pond area is best explored on foot.
Brandgans Pfeifente Krickente Spießente Löffelente Schnatterente Knäkente Gänsesäger Fasan Höckerschwan Zwergschwan Graugans Haubentaucher Kormoran Rohrdommel Graureiher Silberreiher Weißstorch Rotmilan Rohrweihe Seeadler Bläßhuhn Kranich Sandregenpfeifer Kiebitz Uferschnepfe Kampfläufer Dunkler Wasserläufer Lachmöwe Steppenmöwe Silbermöwe Flußseeschwalbe Weißbart-Seeschwalbe Weißflügel-Seeschwalbe Trauerseeschwalbe Kuckuck Rauchschwalbe Schilfrohrsänger Drosselrohrsänger Zilpzalp Pirol Nebelkrähe Star Stieglitz