
Vikasundet Frøya

Trøndelag  >  Norway

Islands and islettes scattered all over the place. Strong tides through.

Hinzugefügt* von Frode Reppe
Zuletzt aktualisiert 2 Juni 2023


Vikasundet Frøya is an area of Islands and islettes where you can find many different bird species and see nice birds like Seeadler, Mittelsäger, Gryllteiste, Moorschneehuhn and Steinschmätzer.

When can you see which bird in this area?.Graureiher Winter. Silbermöwe. All year. Nesting place. Mantelmöwe All year. Nesting place. Sturmmöwe Nesting place. Mittelsäger All year. Nesting place. Seeadler All year. Nesting place. Kormoran Feeding ground during winter. Krähenscharbe Feeding ground during winter. Küstenseeschwalbe Nesting. One colony. Gryllteiste feeding ground winter. Moorschneehuhn Nesting. Großer Brachvogel Nesting. Also winter. Bekassine Nesting. Graugans Nesting. Eiderente Nesting. Austernfischer Nesting. Nebelkrähe Nesting. Not so many. Elster Nesting. Not so many. Sperber and Ringeltaube Nesting. Mehlschwalbe Nesting. Kuckuck Nesting. Gartengrasmücke Nesting. Amsel Nesting. Also winter. Wacholderdrossel Nesting. Star Nesting. Also winter. Kohlmeise Nesting. Winter. Tannenmeise Nesting. Winter. Blaumeise Nesting. Winter. Haussperling Nesting. Winter. Rotkehlchen Nesting. Winter. Steinschmätzer Nesting. Bachstelze Nesting.



By car from Trondheim. The area is limited, so it is easy to explore on foot.

Terrain und Habitat

Meer , Moor/Heideland , Vereinzelte Bäume und Büsche , Strand , Feuchtgebiet


Flach , Offene Landschaft , Felsig , Hochwasser möglich



Ist ein Spektiv nützlich?

Möglicherweise hilfreich

Gute Beobachtungszeit

Frühjahr , Sommer , Ganzjährig , Herbst , Winter

Beste Beobachtungszeit

Sommer , Frühjahr


asphaltierte Straße

Schwierigkeitsgrad der Tour



zu Fuß , Auto , Fahrrad , Rollstuhl , Boot

Beobachtungshütten oder -türme


Zusätzliche Informationen

The birds are living amongst the houses and the people. The birds nests here because we protect them from predators. Outside this very narrow area there are not so many birds despite being perfect for nesting with a lot of food for them. You will see birds not registered on the list, and you will not see all the birds on the list. It all depends on the season. Some of the birds do not appear every year.

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