
Tiendweg - Polder de Nesse

Zuid-Holland  >  Netherlands

Large typical peat meadow area with adjacent wet habitats, good for waterfowl and waders.

Hinzugefügt* von Bas Engels
Zuletzt aktualisiert 12 Februar 2020


Tiendweg, named after the road on the southern side of the area, is an area within a large typical peat meadow landscape, called "Polder de Nesse". The area consists of a mixture of intensive and (narrow) extensive pastures on which cattle is held. The area is surrounded by a large ditch in which many waterfowl are present, like Reiherente, Schnatterente and large numbers of Bläßhuhn. Also Zwergtaucher and Haubentaucher are present. In the smaller ditches between the pastures, species like Krickente, Knäkente and Löffelente are found. In spring and summer, herons, like Purpurreiher and Graureiher hunt for frogs. Flußseeschwalbe and small numbers of Trauerseeschwalbe can be seen hunting above the ditches after which they return to their nests in the surrounding area.

During the breeding season, the pastures are used as breeding habitat for several species of waders, like Uferschnepfe, Rotschenkel, Kiebitz and Großer Brachvogel. Besides waders, species like Feldlerche, Wiesenpieper and Wiesenschafstelze also breed here. Steinschmätzer is often seen on the pastures during migration. Rohrweihe hunts above these pastures. Often, Wanderfalke can be seen on the power lines, overlooking the area. In the northern part, a small forested area is present in which Mäusebussard breeds. Also Habicht has been spotted here multiple times, and maybe even breeds there. On the fences surrounding the pastures, species like Schwarzkehlchen can be spotted.

On the southwestern edge, the area is adjacent to the village of Ouderkerk aan den IJssel. There's a small park which is used by many common species of songbird. Especially during autumn migration, species like Sommergoldhähnchen and Wintergoldhähnchen can turn up here. Also Eisvogel can be seen around the large ditch in this corner.

On the northeastern part of the area, a "boezem" is present, called "Berkenwoudsche Lage Boezem". This type of landscape is used to collect water from the surounding pastures and dispose it off towards a river, in this case the "Hollandsche IJssel" river. The "boezem" consists of mainly wetland area with low forested parts and local reedbeds. The area attracts many waterbirds, but is especially good for waders during migration. Common species are Rotschenkel, Grünschenkel, Kampfläufer and Flußuferläufer, but also scarcer species can be present here, like Dunkler Wasserläufer, Alpenstrandläufer and Kiebitzregenpfeifer. In the reedbeds, common species of reedbird breed, like Schilfrohrsänger, Teichrohrsänger, Blaukehlchen and Rohrammer. If you're lucky, a Rohrschwirl or Seidensänger can be heard. In the smaller bushes, species like Gelbspötter and Klappergrasmücke can be present.

In winter, the area is mainly used by large flocks of geese and swans, like Bläßgans, Weißwangengans and Höckerschwan, and larger numbers of Silberreiher can be present. Sometimes Kornweihe uses the area as foraging habitat.



The area is easy accessable on foot, by bike and by car. The tarmac road on the southern part of the area leads to a deadend, but you can park your car at the end of the road. The best way to observe de area is to use the car and stop often to check the surrounding area until you reach the bicycle road at the end (dead end for cars). From there, you can make a walk next to the "boezem" to observe the wet areas on the other side of the large ditch. You can start or end with the park on the southern part of the area to look for migrants during migration.

Terrain und Habitat

Vereinzelte Bäume und Büsche , Feuchtgebiet , Grasland, Wiesen , Schilfflächen , Landwirtschaft


Flach , Offene Landschaft



Ist ein Spektiv nützlich?


Gute Beobachtungszeit

Frühjahr , Herbst

Beste Beobachtungszeit

Frühjahrszug , Frühjahr


asphaltierte Straße , Normaler Weg

Schwierigkeitsgrad der Tour



zu Fuß , Fahrrad , Auto , Rollstuhl

Beobachtungshütten oder -türme



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