
Goudse Hout

Zuid-Holland  >  Netherlands

A large city park on the northern part of Gouda; lots of waterfowl and reedbirds.

Hinzugefügt* von Bas Engels
Zuletzt aktualisiert 12 Februar 2020


The "Goudse Hout" is a large city park on the northern part of Gouda en consists of an old peat meadow area with many high bushes, forested areas, ditches and ponds. There's a large body of water in the western part of the area. Many species of waterfowl can be found here, like Schnatterente, Reiherente, Löffelente and Weißwangengans. Also, scarce species like Kolbenente can be found here. In summer, Flußseeschwalbe uses the water body as foraging area. Large areas of reedbeds surround the water body, which are being used as breeding habitat for Teichrohrsänger, Schilfrohrsänger and Sumpfrohrsänger. Also, scarce species like Seidensänger, Rohrschwirl and Feldschwirl can be found here.

The "Goudse Hout" mainly consists of old pastures with high bushes and forested areas. Within these areas, species like Klappergrasmücke and Gelbspötter breed. Other species, like Kuckuck and Grünspecht can also be found here. Baumfalke and Rohrweihe use the area as hunting ground. If you're lucky, small groups of Trauerseeschwalbe, Schwarzkopfmöwe or even an Fischadler pass overhead.

In winter, the area is mainly used by large flocks of mixed songbirds, like finches and thrushes. Large groups of Erlenzeisig and Stieglitz use the area as foraging area. In the ditches, Silberreiher can be found.



There's a large parking spot in the southern part of the park. You're able to walk a circular route around the park on (mostly) paved roads. You can either choose to go on foot or by bike and is about 5 km long. There are several information boards in the park telling about the old peat landscape. In the central part of the park, just south of the large water body, a wildlife garden is located. You can enter it for free and walk around the garden.

Terrain und Habitat

Wald , Vereinzelte Bäume und Büsche , Feuchtgebiet , Grasland, Wiesen , Schilfflächen





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asphaltierte Straße , unbefestigte Straße , Normaler Weg

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zu Fuß , Fahrrad

Beobachtungshütten oder -türme



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