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A vast salt water lagoon in the south of the Po Delta known because of mussel farming. Many birds are attracted to the lagoon and winter in the area.
The Sacca degli Scardovari is a vast body of water between the mouths of the Po di Gnocca and the Po delle Tolle. The basin is protected from the sea by thin tongues of land and sandy banks. Formed with the continuous remodeling of the coastline due to the evolution of the Po Delta, the Sacca has an area of about 3,200 hectares, with an average depth of about one and a half meters. It is an ideal environment for mussels, clams and oysters, which also attracts many birds. Among the birds you can see are Austernfischer, Gänsesäger, Mittelsäger, Zwergtaucher, Rosaflamingo, Kiebitzregenpfeifer, Kiebitz, Sandregenpfeifer, Großer Brachvogel, Pfuhlschnepfe, Steinwälzer, Sichelstrandläufer, Bekassine, Waldwasserläufer, Flußseeschwalbe, Brandseeschwalbe, Prachttaucher, Zwergscharbe, Kormoran, Krähenscharbe, Rohrdommel, Silberreiher, Purpurreiher, Seidenreiher, Nachtreiher, Heiliger Ibis, Rohrweihe, Kornweihe and Sumpfohreule.
Italiano: Zona di laguna tutta costeggiabile con ogni mezzo, con zone di soeta per osservazione e fotografie. Presenta anche un ristorante.
From the Romea road (Venice - Ravenna) towards Porto Tolle then Sacca. There is a road all the way around the lagoon. which is easy to drive with a car or bike and make different stops.
Italiano: Dalla strada Romea ( Venezia - Ravenna ) direzione Porto Tolle poi Sacca. C'è una strada tutto intorno alla laguna. La strada è facile da guidare con un'auto e fare diverse fermate per osservare gli uccelli.
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