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Diked lagoon environment with fresh, brackish and salt waters, with salt marshes and reed beds. Constructed wetland.
Cassa di Colmata is located in the Laguna di Venezia and rich in ducks, herons, waders and other water birds. Among the birds you can observe are Großer Brachvogel, Purpurreiher, Rohrammer, Beutelmeise, Rohrweihe, Drosselrohrsänger and Löffelente.
Italiano: Ambiente lagunare arginato con acque dolci, salmastre e salate, con barene e canneti. Impianto di fitodepurazione. Ricco di anatre, ardeidi, acrocefali, contesto simile alle valli da pesca che però sono precluse all'ingresso.
Cassa di Colmata is close to Venice. You can leave your car on the lay-bys of the nearest road, there is no real parking. Click on the P in the map for directions. From the parking spot you can explore the area on foot. The circular walking route indicated on the map is about 10 km, but it is easy to make a shorter walk. Note that the area is not always accessible, sometimes entry is prohibited.
Italiano: Si può lasciare la macchina sulle piazzole di sosta della strada più vicina, non c'è un parcheggio vero e proprio. Non sempre accessibile, a volte interdetto l'ingresso.
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