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The campus grounds of UCC offer walks through some mature woodland and along the river. Possibly the best place in Cork City to see Grauschnäpper.
University College Cork's campus grounds holds some old mature woodland that offers chances to see woodland species while not having to travel too far from the city centre. Wintergoldhähnchen and Waldbaumläufer can be seen throughout the year, while Wacholderdrossel and Rotdrossel can sometimes be seen foraging on some of the greens and Hausrotschwanz occasionally appear on or around the college buildings.
Spring and summer is when the most species can be seen and heard. Mönchsgrasmücke, Zilpzalp and Fitis can all be found on the campus, while a pair or two of Kolkrabe breed on some of the tallest trees found on the grounds. The area is also probably the best place to see Grauschnäpper in the city. The area around the Geography Building (see map) is probably the best spot to see this elusive species.
Part of the south channel of the River Lee flows through the campus and there is a river walk along with numerous bridges that offer chances to see Gebirgsstelze and Eisvogel.
The university campus is a 15 minute walk from the city centre of Cork City. Alternatively, there are multiple bus routes that stop at the university. It is recommended to walk or take public transport as it can be difficult to find parking and can be quite expensive.
Within the vicinity of the campus grounds, it's possible to see breeding Mauersegler at Highfield Avenue (see map). The screaming parties on this street can be seen quite well, particularly in the evening. Saint Fin Barre's Cathedral, a ten minute walk from the campus (see map), holds a pair of Wanderfalke. A visit early in the morning can be fruitful when the traffic is quieter and the birds are quite active.
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