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The Carrackfinn area consists of stunning beaches, many bays and inlets and coastal grassland. Annagry Estuary offers many opportunities for waders.
Starting at the car park by Donegal Airport, you walk down onto the Blue Flag beach of Ballymanus. Looking out onto the bay Basstölpel, Silbermöwe, and Sturmmöwe can be seen. Kormoran and Krähenscharbe are regularly seen fishing off-shore along with a Prachttaucher), Sterntaucher and Eistaucher. Small flocks of Eisente can be seen in autumn and winter especially after a period of strong winds. Eiderente and Mittelsäger can also be seen.
Small groups of Alpenstrandläufer and Sanderling feed along the water edge of the beach as do Austernfischer and Großer Brachvogel.
Walking to the far end of the beach brings you to a series of inlets and bays. These can hold Gryllteiste, Strandpieper and a variety of Gulls. The sand banks have in the past held large numbers of Uferschwalbe but pressure from disturbance has reduced the numbers.
Beyond the small bay with the fishing pier is an area of coastal grassland and further bays to explore. This area is covered in flowers in spring and is a good location for Bekassine, Wiesenpieper and Schwarzkehlchen. Alpenkrähe can also be found.
Returning from the headland it is worth crossing over and walking down to Annargy Estuary (Braade Strand). On the way you pass a freshwater lake with Zwergtaucher and Stockente present all year. The fencing around the airport runway is worth checking for (Schwarzkehlchen and Wiesenpieper) which gather on the top of the fence.
At low tide it is safe to walk out into the estuary (Braade Strand)in order to find high numbers of Sandregenpfeifer, Sanderlingand Alpenstrandläufer. Großer Brachvogel and Austernfischer feed in good numbers and there is a wide range of Gulls present. Brandseeschwalbe can be seen in Summer and Singschwan are often present in winter.
Follow signs to Donegal Airport. Pass the airport and park in the small car park. Walk down onto the beach to start exploring the area. When returning off the estuary walk past the aiport. The airport has a small cafe and toilets.
The area can get busy during the summer months so best visited out of season.
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