
Reykjanes Lighthouse

Suðurnes  >  Iceland

At Reykjanes lighthouse and the Valahnúkur cliffs you find volcanic landscapes, dramatic views and lots of seabirds, just an hour's drive from Reykjavík.

Hinzugefügt* von Jens De Bruycker
Zuletzt aktualisiert 1 März 2020


​The lighthouse and cliffs are located at the very end of Reyjkanes peninsula. This place is easily reachable by any car and offers many possibilities for exploring the area and admiring beautiful views. The strangely shaped cliffs and hardened volcanic ash layers were formed in an eruption in the early 1900s. About 15km off shore lies Eldey Island, a popular habitat for cliff dwelling birds including one of the largest Basstölpelcolonies in the world (around 16,000 pairs). Often seen between the mainland and the island are dolphins or whales blowing. The island formerly supported the last remnant population of the flightless Great Auk. Close to the cliffs you can find a bronze statue of a Great Auk looking towards Eldey island where the last two birds were killed in 1844. On the cliffs and shoreline look for Dreizehenmöwe , Eissturmvogel, Gryllteiste , Kormoran , Trottellumme, Eiderente and Tordalk . In the lava field you'll find a large Küstenseeschwalbe colony, Goldregenpfeifer , Uferschnepfe ,Rotschenkel and Schneeammer. In summer look for Skua and Schmarotzerraubmöwe.



To get to Valahnúkur you take Route 425, turn left (coming from the south/east) just before the Reykjanes power plant. Drive past Gunnuhver hot springs to the Reykjanes lighthouse, and continue toward the ocean.

Terrain und Habitat

Meer , Grasland, Wiesen


Flach , Felsig



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