
Potamia Reservoir

Lesvos  >  Greece

Reservoir that is located against the hills, just west of Skala Kallonis. Great spot for wintering waterfowl and migrating waders.

Hinzugefügt* von Bas Engels
Zuletzt aktualisiert 24 Oktober 2023


Against the hills, Potamia reservoir is located west of Skala Kallonis, and provides birders with a great spot for wintering waterfowl and migrating waders. When enough water is available, like in winter, the area is used as resting and foraging area by many species of waterbird, like Pfeifente, Stockente, Zwergtaucher and large numbers of Bläßhuhn. Also, small numbers of Schwarzhalstaucher tend to hang around here in autumn and winter.

During spring and autumn migration, parts of the reservoir can be dry, and therefore waders can access the edges of the water too. Scan the edges of the reservoir, and you'll have the chance to observe waders like sandpipers, shanks, stilt and plovers. Gulls tend to hang around and rest in the area as well, and sometimes even Krauskopfpelikan can be observed here.

There's also a track up the hill that can be interesting for typical inland species, like Blaumerle, Weißbart-Grasmücke and Maurensteinschmätzer. Raptors tend to hang around here too, like Schlangenadler and Adlerbussard.



The area is easy to visit, and the reservoir can easily be observed from the roads.

Terrain und Habitat

Berg , Tal , See , Schlammflächen


Flach , Hügelig , Trocken , Offene Landschaft , Kein Schatten



Ist ein Spektiv nützlich?


Gute Beobachtungszeit

Herbst , Frühjahr , Winter

Beste Beobachtungszeit

Frühjahrszug , Herbstzug , Winter


unbefestigte Straße

Schwierigkeitsgrad der Tour



zu Fuß , Fahrrad , Auto , Rollstuhl

Beobachtungshütten oder -türme


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