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Pithariou reservoir is the largest freshwater body on the island of Lesvos, and provides great birding year-round.
The Pithariou reservoir is the largest freshwater body on the island, and is located east of Eresos. This reservoir holds water year-round and is therefore a great spot for birding year-round. At the end of the track northwards, there's a small monastery you can visit.
Starting at the dam, you can scan the surface of the water for waterbirds, like grebes, ducks and flocks of Mittelmeermöwe. In winter, this reservoir is a good spot for Schwarzhalstaucher and Haubentaucher. Flocks of hirundines and swifts often hang around the area, and hunt for insects above the water, like Felsenschwalbe and Alpensegler.
If the waterlevel is lower, like in summer, the edges of the reservoir provide some foraging habitat for waders, like Waldwasserläufer and Bruchwasserläufer.
You can walk along the track towards the monastery, and this provides you with some great wooded hills for migrants, like flycatchers, warblers and redstarts. If you scan the rocky outcrops above these wooded hills, you can search for Felsenschwalbe and Blaumerle that breed in the area.
At the end of the track, near the monastery, you can use your telescope to search for birds near the river mouth, like herons, storks, Kormoran and waterfowl.
Before you drive the road up the dam, you can search for migrants in the dry riverbed down at the dam. There are scattered trees and bushes you can search.
You can access the dam by driving along the road. There are several roads that lead westwards or towards the monastery.
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