
Gialova Lagoon

Peloponnese  >  Greece

A combination of salt and fresh water lagoons. A migration hotspot but not often visited by birders. Easy access but requires walking some distances.

Hinzugefügt* von Bastiaan
Zuletzt aktualisiert 8 September 2022


An excellent location along the coast that gets few visits from birders. April-May seems to be the best season for spring migration. Nice birds you can encounter here are Rosaflamingo, Weißflügel-Seeschwalbe, Seeregenpfeifer and Halsbandschnäpper.



Take the small beach road about 800 m north of Gialova (to the Erodios camping). Check the bird hides and bushes along the road near the beach. Check the beach. After about 3 km you have acces to the lagoon to the north (park your car here, there is a barrier). Walk counter-clockwise along the northern lagoon, and after about 1.2 km you arrive at an observation tower which has the best sights on the fresh water lagoons. You can walk around the lagoon (6-7 km) passing the Voidokila beach. Just past the Voidokila beach the trail is difficult. Alternatively you can also drive a few km to the Voidokila beach and park there. Near the beach there are also some excellent mudflads and some dunes.

Terrain und Habitat

Feuchtgebiet , See , Strand , Schlammflächen , Vereinzelte Bäume und Büsche , Grasland, Wiesen , Dünen , Meer , Schilfflächen


Flach , Sandig , Kein Schatten , Trocken , Offene Landschaft , Hochwasser möglich



Ist ein Spektiv nützlich?

Möglicherweise hilfreich

Gute Beobachtungszeit


Beste Beobachtungszeit

Frühjahr , Herbst , Herbstzug , Frühjahrszug


asphaltierte Straße , unbefestigte Straße , Schmaler Pfad , Normaler Weg

Schwierigkeitsgrad der Tour



zu Fuß , Auto

Beobachtungshütten oder -türme



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